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Capsules 32mm

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Here you will find our bulk vending section for 32mm capsules. Please note although quoted as 32mm our capsules are not perfectly round and can vary from 1 supplier to another. Our vending capsules in this range are anything from 27mm upto 36m in size. This is not an issue with 99.9% of machines as they are built to be tolerent of size to a certain degree.

As a general rule, if your coin operated vending machine is set up with round despensing holes and the holes are approx 38mm wide, then you should have no problems vending the capsules in this section. All our capsules are tried and tested in all the popular vending machines such as the red retro, beavers, brabo's, 3l wonders etc when fitted with the appropriate despensing wheels

We buy our capsules in huge bulk to ensure we can offer you the most competitive rates possible on our vending lines, take a look round the shop at the range we stock to ensure maximum sales through your machines.

At " Toy Vending Supplier " we are always looking to add new vending lines to the portfolio, keep comming back to see whats new.